Easy Bake Supplies Limited
Set of Measuring cups & spoons.
Measuring cups & spoons are used for measuring different amounts of ingredients in either liquid or dry when cooking.
Measuring cups & spoons can be made of plastic, metal, or other materials and are available in many sizes.
KSh250.00Set of Measuring cups & spoons.
KSh250.00 -
Fondant Smoothers
- Fondant Smoothers is an essential tool for shaping and smoothing rolled fondant on your cake.
- Works great on top, edges, and sides!
- Shapes fondant to sides of the cake so that no puffed areas appear.
- Trim any excess with a sharp knife.
KSh200.00Fondant Smoothers
KSh200.00 -
3 Piece Heart Shaped Plunger Cutters
comes in 3 different sizes
KSh200.003 Piece Heart Shaped Plunger Cutters
KSh200.00 -
Colorful Set of Measuring Spoons
Available in different colors
KSh150.00Colorful Set of Measuring Spoons
KSh150.00 -
Bluebead Whipped Cream Powder
Available in 1 kg
KSh1,100.00Bluebead Whipped Cream Powder
KSh1,100.00 -
Rendez Vous Non Alcoholic Wine
Available in different Flavors
KSh450.00Rendez Vous Non Alcoholic Wine
KSh450.00 -
Cake sickle Mold
Comes in both 3 hole and 4 hole.
KSh380.00 – KSh400.00Cake sickle Mold
KSh380.00 – KSh400.00 -
Candy Thermometer
5. 9 inches long probe: Habor meat thermometer is highly sensitive to provide a fast and accurate reading within 5 seconds 5. 9 inches long probe keeps you from burning your hands while measuring water or something else
KSh350.00Candy Thermometer
KSh350.00 -
Thermo Standard pastry piping bag
Cone/ triangular-shaped, hand-held, grease proof piping bag used to pipe pastry by pressing them through a narrow opening at one end, for purposes such as cake decoration.
KSh350.00 – KSh800.00Thermo Standard pastry piping bag
KSh350.00 – KSh800.00 -
Poppy Seeds
The ground filling is used in poppy seed rolls and some croissants and may be flavored with lemon or orange zest rum and vanilla with raisins heavy cream cinnamon and chopped blanched almonds or walnuts added.
KSh200.00 – KSh1,900.00Poppy Seeds
KSh200.00 – KSh1,900.00